Mosaab Suliman Abdulkarim, MD., EBGH.
Specialist in Gastroenterology, Hepatology and Endoscopy, as well as a solid background in internal Medicine.
Professional memberships:
• Hamburg Medical Association (AKH)
• German Association of the study of the Liver (GASL)
• European Association of the study of the Liver (EASL)
• German Society for Digestive and metabolic diseases (DGVS)
• European Society of Gastroentstinal Endoscopy (ESGE)
1) Publication: Sex differences in clinical presentation and prognosis in patients with primary biliary cholangitis. Pages 1391-1396 | Received 20 Sep 2019, Accepted 12 Oct 2019, Published online: 06 Nov 2019
Mosaab Abdulkarim, Roman Zenouzi, Marcial Sebode, Lisa Schulz, Alexander Quaas, Ansgar W. Lohse, Christoph Schramm & Christina Weiler-Normann
2) Poster: Gender as a negative prognostic factor in primary cholangitis. (GASL 2018, Z Gastruenterol 56(01): E2-E89)
M Abdulkarim, F Jung, L Schluz, J Hartl, R Zenouzi, A Lohse, C Schramm, C Weiler-Normann
3) Publication: Endoscopic ultrasound-guided drainage of abdominal fluid collections after pancreatic surgery: Efficacy and long-term follow-up. (Z Gastroenterol. 2016 Sep;54(9):1047-53. doi: 10.1055/s-0042-112032. Epub 2016 Sep 9.)
Denzer UW, Sioulas AD, Abdulkarim M, Groth S, Rösch T, Busch P, Izbicki J, Ittrich H, Adam G, Schachschal G.
4) Case Presentation: Diagnose an acute alcoholic hepatitis by using mini-laparoscopic and Liver-biopsy. (Hamburg Endoclub-Nord November 2015).
Abdulkarim M., Werner T. and Lohse A.
5) Endosonographische Drainage von postoperativen Flüssigkeitskollektionen: Effektivität und Sicherheit (Article in Zeitschrift für Gastroenterologie 53(08) · August 2015).
Abdulkarim M., Schachschal G., Groth S., Rösch T., Itzbicki J., Adam G. and Denzer U.
6) Poster: Atypical presentation and aggressive disease Course in male PBC Patients. Journal of Hepatology , Supplement: N2 Vol:56 (2012) PP S383. (EASL 2012)
Abdulkarim M., Wiegard C., Glaubke C. Lohse A. W. Schramm C. and Weiler-Normann C..
7) Oral Presentation: Atypische Präsentation der Primär biliären Zirrhose bei Männern. Z Gastroenterol 2012;50 - FV4_02. (GASL 2012)
Abdulkarim M., Wiegard C., Glaubke C. Lohse A. W. Schramm C. and Weiler-Normann C..