All information at a glance
Optical view of the rectum, large intestine and last part of the small intestine through a flexible thin endoscope / colonoscope.
For complaints like
Blood on the stool, abdominal pain, pressure, pinching, flatulence (meteorism), atypical bowel sounds, weight loss, loss of appetite, constipation (constipation), chronic diarrhea (diarrhea), changed bowel habits (change in stool consistency, change between constipation and diarrhea), increased phlegm on the chair
Diagnosis of
Polyps (adenomas), inflammation, bleeding, diverticulosis, Crohn’s disease, ulcerative colitis, collagenous colitis, lymphocytic colitis, colon cancer (colon carcinoma), hemorrhoids, infections
Best suited because
Direct examination under view, display of the smallest changes, display of optical changes in the mucous membrane, sampling possible, removal of polyps, direct therapy possible. Can be performed under sleep anesthesia without any complaints.
Do not eat any grains etc. 4 days before the examination, laxative measures in the afternoon before the examination day and in the morning before the examination. Do not eat anything in the evening and in the morning before the examination.
Short sedation (sleep anesthesia)
Needed time
2-3 hours: preliminary discussion, clarification, preparation of the examination, examination itself, sleeping in, discussion of the findings
Without complaints, regardless of gender, from the age of 50 (reduction in mortality from colon cancer by 60-80%)
Colon cancer or polyps in the immediate family.